Everything changes

and still the world keeps turning.

Despite the chaos and the damage,
the ravages of war,
the carbon laden atmosphere,

the Earth still spins.

Whales still circle the globe
calling, singing in the depths.
Birds still fly.
Babies still laugh.
Weeds still grow on broken ground.

Enmeshed in the web of life
humans are part of nature.
All things are interconnected.
The world forever changes and evolves.

Now as we hover on the brink,
teetering on the edge of doom,
cracks appear in the edifice,
that which was seen as certain,
is revealed to be a construct.
By changing our thinking
we can change the world.

prompt: https://newwhatsgoingon.blogspot.com/2024/05/whales-and-other-wonders.html

16 Replies to “Everything changes”

  1. This poem really says it all. The beauty of Mother Earth, trying so hard to live, warning us in her many voices, not being heard, yet still birthing whales and birds and trees, sort of breaks my heart. She needs our help and humans – and especially governments – need to make big changes now to slow the pace of the climate crisis. Thanks for this poem, which states this so well, Suzanne.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think it’s about waiting for governments. They are in the pay of the fossil fuel industry. I think we need to work on our own consciousness first.


  2. I will hope that by changing our thinking we can change the world. I wish I were optimistic about this, but………

    This is my favorite stanza:

    “Whales still circle the globe
    calling, singing in the depths.
    Birds still fly.
    Babies still laugh.
    Weeds still grow on broken ground.”

    Wehave to appreciate the beauty that is! Well said, Suzanne.


  3. “Enmeshed in the web of life
    humans are part of nature.” Truth. And therefore in the best position to move through the cracks and create the change that gives life a chance. Agreed. We are all on the brink together, and still, there are such wonderful signs of life. Mighty fine poem.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good point. Like you I am considering the economic ramifications of late capitalism and how the greed of corporations is affecting us all. No easy answers but I’m glad you raised the issue.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. “Despite the chaos and the damage,
    the ravages of war,
    the carbon laden atmosphere,

    the Earth still spins.

    Whales still circle the globe
    calling, singing in the depths.”

    ….You’ve beautifully captured the celebration of the forces of nature in the face of all odds. Nature is this powerful; it will continue but humans may not. So “changing our thinking” is a must. Beautifully penned, Suzanne.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. There’s a lot that individuals can do, especially by collectively changing demand so substantially that the fossil fuels will no longer be needed and the healing can begin. Even though more and more people are, as you rightly say, becoming conscious of the damage to the earth, the urgent need to end fossil fuel is the biggest stumbling block. Shocking events like the tragic clear air turbulence recently and the flooding across so many countries, should help us move the needle… but we need very quick action.


    1. You make some good points but it’s also important to consider how global extractivist capitalism is exploiting those who are not rich and are caught up in the bind of needing to use the products of capitalism, including fossil fuels, to survive.


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